Microblading Brow Anatomy


Did you know that your eyebrows have different “body” parts? It’s true! As a microblading artist, I think about brows in three sections. Take a look at the brow I drew below to see where these parts are and what their corresponding strokes are called.

Microblading Brows: Various Stroke Types

Head: these are typically 1-6 hair strokes, some with corresponding connecting strokes to create a set

Transition: these are typically three sets of strokes, to create an arch between the head strokes and bottom strokes

Bottom Strokes: the number of these depends on the length of the brow, and how many spine strokes we want to leave space for. There must be an equal distance between each bottom stroke set for the most uniform look.

Upper Strokes: similar to the bottom strokes, these depend on the length of the brow and include connecting strokes to create sets. They shouldn’t be too curved, and when they are on the tail they should be straight.

Spine Strokes: these are possibly the most important strokes in the brow, because they create a 3D effect. See the white lines in the photo below.

Mini Strokes: what’s special about these is that they create a more voluminous effect!